Sunday, August 25, 2019


If you're not familiar...

To your left-
"About the Walk" tells you most of what you need to know-

Looking around the site gives you an idea of what we do every year-
And watching the video on left side mid-page gives you an idea of why-

*if you're viewing this on your mobile, click on 'See Web Version' so see the home column and video*

#17 is on a Wednesday this year-

We'll be back at our customary 10:30 am time- Leaving from the corner of 207th and Broadway.
(A-train to 'Inwood- 207th St.' station; 1-train to '207th st' station)

Some folks join us for the whole thing...
Some join us along the way for a stretch...
Some meet us for our traditional Pre-Brooklyn-Bridge Beer at The Beekman Pub, then walk the bridge with us (spectacular!)....
And some just join us after for dinner or drinks.

Whatever your inclination-
We hope to see you along the way!

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